Saturday, July 21, 2018

Europe 2018 - July 21 - Mechelen to Lokeren

Saturday - July 21
After breakfast we headed to the market square on bare bikes. Boy did they feel light and squirrelly!

We weren't the only ones out on this beautiful summer morning.

It was the Belgian Independence Day holiday so most of the surrounding stores were closed.
But the market had so much to offer, who needed stores!

A rainbow of tights caught our eye.

We explored until about 10:00 then loaded up the bikes. The route followed the canal adjacent to the hotel so we were out of town really quick.
Between Mechelen and Boom. We are liking the looks of all that flatness.
The Temsi skyline looking from the south side of the Scheldt River.
Doug trying for a different perspective on our way across the bridge into Temsi.

We stopped for lunch in Temsi at a place along the waterfront that had a bunch of bicycles parked in front......
.....usually a good sign 😊

After leaving Temsi our route took us through the countryside. There was a lot of flying thistle seeds floating around us on the wind.
There were a lot of natural areas......
....and lots of water.
We knew we were going to like Lokeren right away.
After watching the Tour de France Stage 14 finish and having dinner at the hotel, we headed out to explore the town. 

Our explorations were accompanied by a beautiful clarion bell concert that lasted for an hour and included a wide variety of music. The church tower holds 3 large bells and 46 clarion bells. Playing the clarions is a big thing in this part of the country. Clarion bells = the 9th "C"! We listened to the last half (2nd video) from the hotel balcony. It was a delightful way to end a delightful day. (Suggest that you hit the full screen symbol and then hit play to get the full effect.)

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