Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Europe 2018 - July 10 - A Play Day in Mainz

Tuesday - July 10
We walked to the train station in Kelsterbach after a very relaxed breakfast. We departed the train at the Roman Theater in Mainz, the first stop after crossing over the Rhine River.
They are still doing archeological work at the site which dates from the 1st century AD.
From here we wandered our way into the center of Mainz, destination the Gutenberg Museum.
Doug said there was no way he was not going to take this picture.
A little soccer mania.

It may say spaghetti but it is really all about ice cream!

We wandered so much that we decided to have lunch first.
This looked like a fun way to get around town.
We spent most of the afternoon at the museum but it does not allow pictures of the exhibits. Highlights this time (we came here in 2011 too) included a collection of tiny books (6,902 of them!), how gold leaf illustration is done, how fonts were developed, and a printing press demonstration. So interesting to really appreciate that the printing press was the revolutionary, disruptive technology of its time. These young soccer fans greeted us as we were leaving.

The city of Mainz has such a friendly vibe and it was a wonderful place to spend Megan's last day with us.
The train ride was very pleasant too. They do take bikes so that is another option to consider for tomorrow. When we got back, we watched Peter Sagan lose, by a hair, the sprint finish of Stage 4 of the Tour de France before we headed to dinner.
The "girls" have been trying to have the most local beer available at the restaurants where we eat dinner.  A very interesting aspect at this restaurant was being surrounded by people speaking at least 4 different languages. We watched the first half of the France/Belgium semi-final World Cup match, then returned to the hotel for the second half. France won 1-0, a hard fought match all the way to the end. 
The train and a lot of walking at each end.

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