Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 2 - Berlin - Brandenburg Tor and the Holocaust Memorial

Sunday - Brandenburg Tor and Beyond
The TP accidently fell in the toilet and we couldn't find another roll so drying this one out seemed prudent. Wasn't the best way to start the day!
Potsdamer Platz from the south
And the Wall that divided it.
The roof of the Sony Center
Electric "Car To Go"
Human-powered "Car to Go"
A sunny, mild Sunday and we are just two among a cast of thousands.

The Reichstag - Germany's Capitol building
Interpretive signs like this one are all around this area, usually in German and English. This particular one talks about the treatment of the Sinti and Roma (gypsys) during the Nazi era. 

They are meditating in the midst of the throngs of tourists. Must take a lot of practice!
Lots of Selfie action going on all over the place.
The United States Embassy. Almost every country had to re-establish an embassy in Berlin after the fall of the Wall. Ours is very non-descript on the outside. We probably passed it 3 times before we realized it was there.
The Holocaust Memorial is a place of respite and reflection.

For this little girl, it was a place that echoed her laughter and squeals of delight as she ran from her mother around the columns.
We rode the 200 bus west to the Zoo and Kaiser Wilhelm Church. The church was damaged during WWII and a new church was built next door. It looks like they are building a new tower too.
Outside the two churches it is a pretty rowdy place.
The pock marks are from shelling at the end of WWII.
You can go in a small part of the old church.

The new church is almost totally immune to the noise and bustle outside its walls.
Nothing like a fresh crepe with Nutella to tide us over until dinner.
The entry to the St. Clemen's Church which is just adjacent to our apartment building. We had heard bells ringing but couldn't see any churches around us. Took Google Map to find it.
All their masses are in the evening so we went to the 8 pm Mass, which seemed like a fitting way to end this day. The Lord's Prayer is very interesting to do with other languages around you. We all pause in the same places.

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