Friday, August 21, 2015

August 10 - We get to talk to some more Polish policemen

Monday - Krotoszyn to Trzebnica
We did a little sight-seeing on our way through town. This is the central square.

And just like that we were back in the forest.
They were making morning deliveries when we went through Zduny.
The bike sidewalks through Polish towns have been pretty inconsistent and often the road transitions have a 90 degree lip. As a result we often ride in the street. As we passed through Milicz on  Road 15 (a red road on our Michelin map) we were waved over to a parked police car. The policeman was very animated until Donna said "I don't speak Polish". He smiled, calmed down considerably, then politely explained in English that we needed to be on the sidewalk because bikes were not allowed on E15 in town. We either didn't see the sign or didn't interpret it correctly. We were very happy to be off of Road 15 about 1/4 mile later.
In Sulow we turned south which meant we had a tailwind!
Passing through Ujezdziec Maly this garden got Donna's attention.

It is getting pretty warm so this looked like a good shade break to eat a snack.
Just a shot of the typical construction technique here. They might use studs for the interior walls but all the external walls are made of blocks.
Our home for the night. Since we got an early start to beat the heat we got to town before the 2:00 check-in but used the time to have a very leisurely lunch.

The view from our room was OK but the air conditioning was top-notch!
Time for a little bike maintenance.
Over dinner we decided that Trzebnica would be a great place to take a rest day after 3 weeks on the road.....Berlin did NOT count. It is supposed to be 95+ again tomorrow, we are in a very nice hotel for $48.50 a night, there is a beautiful park across the street, the town seems interesting, and just maybe we could get a little caught up on the blog, too. Total miles so far = 764
Took a little walk through the park across the street after dinner.

We are trying to be chess pieces though we really don't feel much like a king and queen of the road right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's commonly known that one of the first signs of heat stroke is double vision.
