Thursday, September 28, 2017

2017 MinnWisMi - Wausau Art and Rain Day

Tuesday - September 26 - Wausau
It rained overnight and is supposed to rain on and off all day. We had been hearing about the Birds in Art exhibit at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum for the past week and it seemed like the perfect place to spend a rainy day.
The art theme for the day really started right where we are staying.
This theme is carried throughout the house wherever there is stained glass
The stairs to the left lead to the 5 bedrooms.

Almost everything in the house is original except for the steam showers and toilets in the guest bathrooms.

These doors lead to a large covered porch. It was a little cool to fully appreciate it today.
The lighting fixtures all have the tulips.
We walked by the Yawkey House on our way to lunch. It was also designed by George Maher and is open for tours but we had other plans.

The 319 Bistro had the best tomato soup. We had ordered a sandwich which came with a cup of soup but wished we had just ordered a bowl of soup.
They also had some creative ice cream names.
Now to the museum.

These beauties greet you at the edge of the parking lot.

Part of the shininess is from raindrops. 
They won the National Medal for Museum and Library Service this year. Leigh Yawkey Woodson had 3 daughters who established the museum to honor her.
The art and the space were both amazing.
They draw artists from all over the world for this annual fall exhibit.

This is a detail from a piece all done with cut paper.

This is part of a painting NOT a photograph!
Another piece of the same painting.
The whole picture

Doug was very inspired by the quality of the decoys. The one he is working on at home better watch out!
This was in the children's section but Donna is short enough to fit.
We stayed dry on the walk back down the hill (it was a steep one!) and had some time to relax before walking to dinner.
Thank you, Wausau, for being such a wonderful place to spend a rainy day (can't really call it a rest day 😉).

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