Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2017 MinnWisMi - Itasca State Park

Wednesday - September 6 - Itasca State Park
It was a magical day from beginning to end.
First we moved from the Douglas Lodge to the Bear Paw Campground. After setting up camp we set off for the Headwaters area.
There is a full blown bike shop on the way. Doug borrowed a wrench to do some seat adjustment.

Wegman's Cabin - the first store and post office.
First we had lunch at the Mary Gibbs Visitor Center. Caretaker Woman greeted us as we headed down the trail to the Headwaters.

The most photographed stump in the country.
Everyone should walk across the Headwaters of the Mississippi River.

It was a great place to do some people watching.

This log is just a little downstream so we could just keep going in circles.

It was such a beautiful afternoon and such a beautiful spot that is was hard to leave but we finally did.
Back at the Visitor Center we took some time to check out the interpretive panels. This one is about the history of forestry in Minnesota with a "historical" forester standing next to it.

The magic continued as the sun headed towards the horizon.

It was so quiet that we could hear fish splashing and birds moving through the water.
Itasca, thank you for a wonderful day!!

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