Thursday, September 14, 2017

2017 MinnWisMi - Grand Rapids to Hill City

Monday - September 11 - Grand Rapids to Hill City
The sun is back! We decided to spend the morning in Grand Rapids since it isn't far to Hill City.
On the way to downtown, Your Quilting Room caught Donna's eye. It is filled with long arm quilting machines and some very nice women. 
AND some amazing quilts.
AND a 1922 Singer.
Old Central School, built in 1895. It served as an elementary school until 1972.
It is now has small shops and hosts cultural and community events.
The old train depot is the Visitor Center and a candy shop.
In English and Ojibwe
This counts as Mississippi River crossings 12 and 13 since we did it going to downtown and headed south.
This is a memorial to workers in the local paper mill. It is on both sides of the dam in the previous picture.
Next ...time to visit the Wizard of Oz...... 
Also known as the Judy Garland Museum. She was born in Grand Rapids. For those of you who have only known Netflix etc......we could only watch this movie once a year on TV when I was a young girl. It was a major family gathering time and it was oh so magical. (Donna)
This carriage, used in the movie, was originally built for President Lincoln.
She had some pretty scary things to tell Doug.
All about Munchkin reunions.
Frances Gumm (aka Judy Garland) started performing with her older sisters when she was 2 years old.
Her parents lived in this house for the 12 years before they moved to California.
An even older sewing machine!

Ate lunch then headed south with just a bit of a crosswind but nothing like yesterday.
Pokegama Lake
It was a nice ride all the way to Hill City and it wasn't flat, just like the name implies.
The Whitetail Inn was our home for the evening.
They had the perfect clothes line for airing out the camping gear.

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