Monday, July 29, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 13 - Port Dover to Dunnville

July 29 - Monday
Port Dover to Dunnville
The bikes had to be happy in the garage last night.....more like their usual environment at home.
Good by Port Dover.....we had a lovely visit.

This conveyor goes quite a ways out into the lake. It feeds the Lake Erie Works US Steel mill.
The factories in this area must be using a lot of power.
Agriculture still finds a way.
The ESSO Nanticoke Refinery
The wind is doing its part today too. Thankfully, it is a tailwind.
The Sunflower Cafe in Selkirk, built in 1875. Funny how names keep getting repeated!
It was a fine spot for a snack break.
An old house on one side of the road....
.....and new construction on the other side. We have seen a lot of new houses being built in the past 2 weeks.
Hello Dunnville
Some art to accompany our late lunch at Minga Cafe.
The back side of the aptly named Riverview Motel.
It is almost like camping but we will have a roof over our head.
The mayflies were everywhere!
They don't bite because they have no mouth or digestive system and only live 24 hours.
There is an assisted living center right behind the playground.
This is the town's mascot, the Mudcat. We visited him during our after-dinner walk.
Catching up little by little.

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