Thursday, July 25, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 9 - Leamington to Blenheim

July 25 - Thursday
Leamington to Blenheim

After a lot of green the last week, a little harvested gold was attractive.
And Doug wanted to give it a little different perspective.

Heritage Baptist Church, halfway between Leamington and Wheatley.
And more greenhouses. This is why they call this whole area the garden of Ontario.
That made seeing an oil well seem a bit strange.

We had ignored the "Road closed ahead" sign that we saw in Wheatley since it didn't say "Bridge closed" and Google maps had said it was OK for bikes. It was a good gamble as the road is open to walking and riding, just not motorized vehicles. Nice having a bicycle highway to ourselves.
When we got to the other end of the closure, we couldn't figure out why it was closed. Note that the barricades are on an older version of the road pointing out that the current one is Plan B. We found out later that the lakeshore is undercutting and causing some instability in this area so this is a long-term closure until they figure out Plan C.

This silo looks like it needs a haircut.
We had picked up some lunch stuff on our way through Wheatley as food sources looked a little scarce along the route. The Christ Church cemetery had some nice shade trees along the road so we ate our sandwiches there.
The church was torn down in 1999 due to being unsafe but served its congregation from 1868 to 1973.
Two miles later we found this awesome farm market - Pardo Villa Acres with everything a touring biker needs, food, drink, shade and an bathroom.

Those trees are loaded with ripe fruit.
A nice tie to The Netherlands where we saw similar things last summer acknowledging the ties forged during World War II.
And so once more we end the day only a few miles (13) from where we were 5 days ago. These loop de loops following the lakeshores are making it a little hard for us to feel like we are making progress! Got to watch the last 20 km of Stage 18 of the Tour de France after a delicious dinner at the adjacent golf course.

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