Saturday, July 13, 2019

Montana to Michigan 2019 - Day 6 and 7

July 13 - Saturday
Ashland, Wisconsin to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Ashland has a bunch of these murals about their history so we took in a few of them on our way out of town.

Since we could not stop on the bridge coming into the state we decided this one could substitute even though we are leaving the state (by way of Hurley).
And entering Michigan in Ironwood which is just across the Montreal River. Just a few miles down the road we also crossed into the Eastern time zone.
We had lunch at the Agate Falls park on the Ontonagon River. It was hard to get a really good picture of the falls.
The bridge above the falls was a piece of art in its own way and is now part of the Bergland to Sidnaw rail trail.
Covington Lutheran Church seemed like a nice spot for a break from the road.

Marquette waterfront trail.
Please take note the she has THREE dogs on her bike.
Lake Superior you are spoiling us with all this blue sky.
We tried to visit Tannery Falls but the road was closed just before the trailhead. We ended up in this little pocket park that just happened to have an interpretive sign. The falls were named after the tannery that used to stand in this spot at one point turning out 500 hides a day. It made shoe sole leather from 1896 to 1922 but was put out of business by composition soles.
These are some pictures from our after dinner stroll in Sault Ste. Marie, our goodby to Lake Superior.

These are the locks that allow the ships to move between Lake Superior and the St. Mary's River.

July 14 - Sunday
Sault Ste. Marie to New Boston
Went to the 8am mass at St. Joseph's so we could get to brother Jim's house before dinner time.

We took a break from the road in St. Ignace at Java Joe's. Turned out that they had a great selection of ball caps and Doug had left his at the restaurant on Friday night. (This is a somewhat common occurrence.)
They had the perfect one!
Big Mac bridge here we come!
We saw it from underneath when we took the ferry to Mackinac Island in 2012.
From here we were on interstate highways almost all the way to New Boston which made us really appreciate this past week of doing our best to avoid them.
Crossing the 45th Parallel, something we also do when we go to Salem in Oregon. We did make it before dinner and had a lovely evening with Jim and Lori.
We plan to spend the next couple of days visiting Doug's family and getting ready for the next bike adventure in Canada. We are also watching the effects of Hurricane Barry as remnants of the storm make their way north.

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