Friday, July 12, 2019

Montana to Michigan 2019 - Day 5

July 12 - Friday
Winona, Minnesota to Ashland, Wisconsin
We started the day at Wenonah Canoe as we actually own one of their creations. Friday is the day all the builders have off so the factory tour was not available. There weren't any canoes in the lobby but there were a couple of these very Hawaiian surf boards.....
....and this lovely sculpture.
Next was the Gavin Heights Viewpoint where we could see the Mississippi River and the boundary between the 2 states. We won't be able to stop on that bridge to get a picture like we could on a bike so this is the best we could get.

Definitely not a highway.
Glasgow School (former) and Community Center (current), built in 1921.
We found this quite impressive memorial when we stopped at the visitor center in Black River Falls to get a road map. It is called the Field of Honor and covers World War I to Vietnam.
You know you are Wisconsin as there is cheese everywhere. This happens to be at the Mocha Mouse where we had lunch in Black River Falls. Over lunch we decided to head north towards the Apostle Islands before heading to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
The town of Butternut. Ran into a family from Thorp while eating our ice cream. We have very fond memories of Thorp from our MinnWisMi Tour in 2017. After this, we passed through Medford on our way to funny since that happens all the time on our trips down I-5 to California to visit family.
The Apostles Islands themselves were pretty hard to see but Sand Bay was a beautiful place to catch the late evening light over Lake Superior.

St. Francis Catholic Church in Red Cliff followed by dinner at the Fat Radish in Bayfield. It was a very late night!

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