Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 8 - Kingsville to Leamington/Point Pelee

July 24 - Wednesday
Kingsville to Leamington and Point Pelee
The tent and towels did NOT dry out over night even though it didn't really rain much after sunset.
Guess it got a tad windy though.

We rode into Kingsville for a leisurely breakfast and worked on logistics for the next few days. Friday nights are always a little tricky during the high season of summer.
What a good sign for helping drivers do the right thing. This is one of the situations where we are always cautious because drivers often underestimate the speed of the bike.
We passed a lot of greenhouses between Kingsville and Leamington and houses in front of them with lots of nice landscaping.
Field trip!
Maybe we need one of these signs next to our house. The hotel let us stash our bags there at 11:00 and then we headed for Point Pelee National Park.
The hotel clerk recommended Freddy's for lunch since it was on the way to park. The perch fish tacos were delicious. Mike came by to make sure we were satisfied. He and Doug got into a discussion about the history of the area since Doug had been here when he was a teenager some decades ago. Mike ended up giving us each a free t-shirt in exchange for a promise to send some historical pictures when we get back to Oregon.

It was a great day for enjoying the beach but we aren't into sand today.
Instead we opted for the Marsh Boardwalk which didn't even exist the last time Doug was here.
And this is version number 2.

Then we rode as far as we could to the southernmost point in Canada.
There it is...pretty low in the water this year.
Thank you Point Pelee for a beautiful day!

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