Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Montana to Michigan 2019 - Day 3

July 10 - Wednesday - Rapid City to Huron, South Dakota
Our morning goal - Mount Rushmore. Doug has been here before but Donna had never been here.
This morning there isn't a cloud in the sky at all!
Avenue of the Flags. Looked at the park website last night and it said that this would be closed for maintenance starting last Monday. Fortunately, that didn't happen yet.
Oregon - our home
As with most places, a picture does not really give you the same perspective as actually standing there in person. We just wonder how many million times this very picture has been taken.

This couple was really having trouble getting the baby to cooperate with the selfie process so Donna offered to take the picture. They happen to be from Malmo, Sweden and are taking a month to wander around the West.
We ran into them several times as we walked the trail that offers other views of the sculptures

A family from Berlin took this picture for us.

In the Sculptor Workshop.
Time to move on but first we sat for a final contemplation of the sight and got into a hilarious conversation with a Texan after we gave him one of Donna's mom's dried pluots.
This view is only possible because the rock was too inconsistent when they started carving Jefferson to the left of Washington. Moved Jefferson to the right and blasted off the part that had already been carved. We found this viewpoint because we were headed to the Crazy Horse Memorial.
Today's big sculpture site number 2.
The visitor center is also a gallery of Native American art.

We will need to come back in another 10 years.
We stopped in Wall to have an ice cream at the original Wall Drug Store. We suspect it was not nearly this touristy when it first started.

The Little Brown Church on the Prairie.
Crossing the Missouri and into the Central time zone too.
What an amazing day it has been!

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