Thursday, July 11, 2019

Montana to Michigan 2019 - Day 4

July 11 - Thursday
Huron, South Dakota to Winona, Minnesota
Think we ran into just a few bugs last night!
Another unexpected find - the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum in DeSmet, SD. Donna read most of her Little House on the Prairie books when she was much younger.
DeSmet is where Laura first taught school.

We met Paul at the Cottonwood Bistro in Brookings where we stop for a snack. He is a biker, saw our bikes and license plate, and just had to know where we were headed. He was a disabilities rehab counselor before he retired. He told us a bit about the local area before heading home. There happened to be a carwash right next door so we took the time to get the bugs off the car before we got back on the road.
The rules for fireworks are different in South Dakota than they are in Minnesota so this shop is right on the border.
Into Minnesota
And here is Laura Ingalls Wilder again! Her family moved here when she was 7 years old.
We stopped for lunch in a place called Nellie's Cafe. It was all about the TV show. The whole time we were there people kept asking to have their picture taken with a woman sitting at the counter.
Went to the visitor center after lunch and it all became clear. We are just a day early. Still don't know which actor was sitting at the counter.
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The gift shop had any color you could possibly want in period clothing.
Back in the land of big silos.
And interesting water towers.

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