Monday, August 12, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 27 - Port Elgin to Kincardine

August 12 - Monday
Port Elgin to Kincardine (Ken-car-din)
MaryAnn and Donna sat next to each other at the concert last night and shared their enjoyment of the music and the evening. Then we discovered that we were staying at the same motel only a couple doors down so we got to chat some more this morning. She and her husband are also bikers and hope to do some touring after he retires. 

Fortunately, our chosen route is turning left just before the road closed sign.
Road 33 was a ribbon of smooth pavement with almost no traffic, a bike highway.
Doug was just having some fun 😉
A little "log"ging operation.
This rail trail crossed the road a couple of times but we saw no advantage....same scenery and big rough rock while we were enjoying smooth asphalt and no traffic.
That is quite the mix of animals to watch for.
We were wondering why there was this well-maintained road with a bunch of "No Trespassing" signs along one side and no traffic. This just might be the answer.
And there it is. The traffic picked up a bit after we passed the main gate.
The opposite end of the infrastructure spectrum in Inverhuron a couple miles later.
We also saw several houses with this fancy scroll work along the roof line as we entered Kincardine.
Our afternoon excursion. The building was surrounded by scaffolding so this was the best shot.
View from inside the lighthouse.
Kali did a nice job of guiding us through the different exhibits.

Doug got to crank the fog horn. It was LOUD!
We made it to the very top which gave us a good view of the harbor but the murky sky didn't make for very interesting pictures.

Part of the living quarters for the lighthouse keeper's family.
The stairs were steep and the openings a little short as we climbed to the top of the lighthouse. Doug banged his head on one of them. A bag of ice was helpful first aid when we got to the motel. One of the downsides of being bald is there is no cushion. On the other hand, it is a lot easier to kiss it to make it better without hair in the way.

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