Monday, August 5, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 20 - Burlington to Mississauga

August 5 - Monday - Canada Civic Holiday
Burlington to Mississauga ( - Ojibwa for "River of the North of Many Mouths")
Just a sample of the sidewalk flower pots that graced the streets today. This one is in Oakville.
Tim Horton's has become one of our favorite places to take a break.
Since it is a holiday, we saw a lot of bicycles go by while we were enjoying our mid-morning snack.
Even the solar panels are following the flower theme of the day.

Lakeshore Road with its bike highway of a shoulder.
Could not be more appropriate...Doug's name and coffee on the same sign.
Our lunch stop in Port Credit

We decided last night that we just aren't quite in the mood to take on Toronto...a city of 2.7 million people. Instead we are going to check out the airport so we have some firsthand knowledge when we come back to do the rest of Canada. Missisauga has quite a few trails and greenbelts that will help get us to our motel.

We came across this fine group of officers in the Applewood Hills Greenbelt. We had a very interesting chat with them about their work and our journey.

We did make it to the airport via the motel's shuttle. We decided that we will take the train out of the airport after seeing the crazy spaghetti of elevated roads that provide access to the terminals. Not a bike-friendly airport at all which is surprising after experiencing such bike-friendly choices on the way here.

The other bit of a damper on an otherwise fine day was when Doug figured out that he left his Java Joe's Cafe ball cap at the restaurant last night. Sigh.

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