Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 21 - Mississauga Thunderstorm Day

August 6 - Tuesday
This is definitely getting to be a pattern, the Tuesday morning thunderstorms. Decided we aren't going anywhere today and a rest day before climbing out of the Niagara Escarpment might be helpful as well.
We did go for a short walk around the area and found a nursery. These blossoms are SO big!

The butterfly was very patient and did a bit of posing for the camera.
We also found the Crepe and Gelato shop next door to the nursery.....all Donna's favorite things! Not long after taking this picture, while she was minding her own business and savoring her gelato, a wasp or hornet decided she was too irresistible and took a chunk out of her wrist and chased her away from the table. The shop keeper provided some ice which calmed things down a bit.
Our dinner spot had insects too but they were much more beautiful and kind.
We also got a lot of blogging done today, up to the end of Week 2. Doug got the bikes all cleaned up and we did some logistics and route work. We think we are ready for Week 4.
End of Week 3
Total miles = 622
Total kilometers = 1003

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