Friday, August 9, 2019

Canada 2019 - Day 24 - Flesherton to Owen Sound

August 9 - Friday
Flesherton to Owen Sound
Having 2 soft chairs felt like such luxury. Having the panniers scattered everywhere is pretty typical. The restaurant's breakfast was awesome and gave us a good start to the day.
Bicycle Cafe in Flesherton........too bad we just had breakfast!
It must be cross country skiing because it is looking vert flat out there.

Downtown Markdale....a nice way to frame murals. is a heavy crosswind.
But a decent shoulder makes it easier to deal with.
Donna lived in Berkeley for 2 years so this is a very interesting place name repeat. We've seen so many of them on this trip.
Hamilton Creek, a pretty typical creek for this area.
A local we met at the rest area told us that traffic gets really heavy on Friday afternoons, so when we saw this rail trail we decided to check it out.
It had a nice surface and it got us out of the wind too.

This is the first time we've seen this kind of sign on a trail. That is good information, especially if it the first time on it.
The weather app was showing 16 mph winds with 23 mph gusts this afternoon so we are very glad to have the shelter of the trees.
That's a lot of lilypads!
The other nice thing about a rail trail is the very gradual grades.

That's a good way to put it and we did not see any trash.
The riders really appreciated the fact that we stopped our bikes well before we got to the horses. Bikes look very strange to horses and some of them freak out if you ride past them.
We know we aren't very far from town when we see these signs.
This path was so newly paved that a local couple stopped and asked us how far it went. We had to plead ignorance.
We have been surrounded by the Blue Jays for a couple of weeks so we found ourselves rooting for them and their new player who was having an amazing first week in the majors.

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