Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Canada 2016 - Moosomin, Saskatchewan to Virden, Manitoba

Monday - July 11
The predicted SSE winds has shown up. It will be a headwind or a crosswind depending on which part of the highway we are on.
Winnipeg is in sight now. One of our semi-truck friends gave us an encouraging toot-toot as he went by. We have had at least one toot a day as we've crossed the province.
The skies did clear as we approached the border with Manitoba but that also made the wind pick up more.
Goodby Saskatchewan....it's been a wonderful visiting you and your wonderful citizens.
Did we say it was windy yet?
Hello Manitoba and goodby to 1 hour of the day since we just crossed into the Central Time Zone too.

Manitoba Welcome Visitor Centre. It was a nice break from the wind. Oh...did we already say it was windy?

We were eating our sandwiches at the gas station in Elkhorn when 2 white pickups pulled in to fill up.....at least we are pretty sure they were white. Accuweather says the wind is blowing at 14 mph.
 Donna's shirt is making a good wind vane. The crosswind was not much easier than when it was more of a headwind, especially when it gusted.
This was the most permanent looking building in Hargrave.

Hurray...we've reached the town sign. That means we only have a mile or 2 to go. Not sure why they put the signs so far from town.
Those 40 windy miles certainly needed to be topped off by ice cream.
After checking in, we went in search of the museum.
This is it.

Susan, museum manager, dropped in at the end of our visit. She was very enthusiastic about answering our questions about this part of Manitoba. It was a nice way to finish off the day.

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