Saturday, July 6, 2013

Boston Bar to Spences Bridge

July 2 - Tuesday - We guess the rock trucks have to get their equal billing with the log trucks though we've seen a lot more log trucks so far. Doesn't really matter as all the truck drivers give us plenty of space as they go past. Some even wave and give encouraging toots on the uphill sections.
We are truly appreciating that we are on the shady side of the canyon as we climb another hill.

Sheila and her human are walking from Vancouver to Nova Scotia. He hopes she loses 20 pounds and that he gains 20 pounds along the way. Right now they can only travel until 10 in the morning because the pavement gets to hot for Sheila's paws.

We also appreciate the coolness of the air as we pass these little side creeks.
Yesterday's lunch host warned us about this hill (4%) and, as we climbed, we hoped this was the one he was talking about.

It did provide a great view. 
A welcome sign from our BC forestry compatriots. Makes a couple of foresters feel right at home.
We reached Lytton at lunch time but the town was down a long hill so we grabbed some sandwiches at the gas station and had a picnic in the woods. The vegetation has really changed, going to more pine and sagebrush indicating a much warmer and drier if we needed warmer! This is also where we left the Fraser River and started following the Thompson River.

The Thompson is a big and mighty river too.

As we were headed downhill just before here, we spied a cyclist in front of us. Then, all of a sudden, Michael joined our small peleton. Joanna had a flat tire that they had just repaired and was speeding down the hill in front of us. He had circled back to check that he had all his tools picked up which is how we managed to get in between them. When we last saw them they hadn't decided which route to take out of Hope. Guess they decided that Hwy 1 was better than Hwy 3 after all.
We shared a campsite at the Alpine RV Park and had a delightful time getting to know them better.
Only 93 F today but a cool shower never felt so good. Dinner at this little cafe was delicious (chili and corn bread) and accompanied by some great blues harmonica music. A hard but wonderful day. 

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