Saturday, June 25, 2016

Canada 2016 - Waterfowl Lake to Bow Lake

Monday - June 20
We decided to go for a walk before breakfast so we could warm up a bit and see if there was a decent reflection in the lake. It didn't freeze last night but it must have been close.
We were rewarded with this stunning sight.

The sun even showed up at our campsite in time to eat and change into our bike clothes. Donna has worked on perfecting this technique of minimal skin exposure for years.
We didn't have to rush either since we only had about 15 miles and 1000 feet of elevation to go today. We left at 9:30 and didn't see any park personnel, only a truck parked at the gate when we were coming back from the trailhead parking area. Alas, that outhouse was locked too. So we used the woods like any good foresters would do.
We warmed right up once we got on the road. Amazing how much difference the sun makes at this altitude (5410') and this time of year.

Will and Caroline came over the horizon at 10:15 and said it was 29 F. at Mosquito Creek last night. They are looking pretty darn peppy for having done 100+ km yesterday and one 6800' pass already this morning. We wish them many happy years of bike touring.
Following the Mistaya River to its source.

We are still going up.

Don't they know we don't need any excuse at all to stop and take a break!
The flagger was kind enough to take our picture after we chatted a bit. They are adding a passing lane and snow removal area to this section of the highway.
This is always a good sign when we are going uphill.
Yeah...we made it....2nd pass in 3 days.
We stopped for a snack and to savor the spot.
Bow Lake, that blue spot in the distance, is our destination.
All downhill from here.
Num Ti Jah is Stoney for pine marten and a fitting name for a lodge on this high mountain lake.
Looks like some bikers beat us here. Turned out to be 4 young men who are biking from Denver to Jasper. They only stopped here for lunch.
Our room wasn't quite ready so we ate lunch in the coffee shop while we waited. The staff drew this chalk picture of the lodge.
Our room
Our view. We did splurge a little to stay here but we considered it a late anniversary celebration since the colds had kept us from properly celebrating in May.
It was well worth it!
Our Sweet Home New Era (hometown paper) picture. Travel pictures like this are a weekly feature.
Everyone was enjoying the afternoon.
That included a lake swim by this group that had just spent 5 days up on the glaciers. Guess the lake felt warm in comparison!
This young woman found a smartphone on the lake bottom during her dip.

It took Jimmy Simpson 30 years to build the lodge - 1920 to 1950. He used the short trees that grow in the area which dictated the final shape. He was also an outfitter/guide and quite the character who lived into his 90's. They even named one of the surrounding peaks for him.

Ended the day with a dinner that was just as fine as the view. The Saskatoon Berry Cobbler topped with ice cream was quite yummy. What a way to spend the first day of summer. There was supposed to be a full moon too but we aren't sure it was even visible since the sun didn't set until 10:06 and we were snoozing not long after that.

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