Saturday, June 25, 2016

Canada 2016 - Baker Creek to Canmore

Wednesday - June 22
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in this special place.
Breakfast was just as delicious as dinner.
This little guy watched us the whole time.
This guy too. Time to move on but we hope to come back another time.

This is a good sign too.
World War I internment camp memorial. The men provided labor to build National Park roads, bridges and other facilities.

These were behind the memorial and each has a rosary hanging with the cloth.

The wild rose of Alberta.

Castle Mountain in the background. Doug did the same thing at this spot 3 years ago and thinks that picture was better....more flowers were blooming then. 
The new sign at Castle Junction. We found out later that they were installed in 2014.
"Share the Road" Alberta-style. Drivers have generally given us lots of space which is nice since there isn't any shoulder.
Still haven't seen any living moose. This sign says that the population has actually declined despite protection due to elk competition, parasites, lack of fire and traffic fatalities so this may as good as we get.
Johnson Canyon Falls trailhead. The parking lot was full too so you can imagine what it looks like on the trail.
It is getting a little drippy so the hat helps keep the glasses dry.
Even though the road is wet, we actually missed the main event.

The eastern end of the Bow Valley Parkway approaches. We enjoyed it just as much this time or maybe more except that we didn't see any wolves or mountain sheep like we did in 2013.

There is a $25,000 fine for feeding the wildlife. Even the wolves are acclimating. They had to kill a big female wolf last week because she had become too aggressive.
So, ironically, we see our first wildlife in earshot of Highway 1.

The fence and gate are to keep wildlife off the highway.

Vermillion Lakes
We talked to these 2 couples for a bit. They are from Edmonton and England. They honked and waved at us later in Canmore.
It is a very tranquil place on the outskirts of Banff.
Downtown Banff is anything but tranquil at mid-day.
The last week of school before the summer break for these kids.
The Rocky Mountain Legacy Trail makes for smooth sailing......
........even through the on-ramp to Highway 1.
We didn't get to ride this part of the trail 3 years ago because it had been so heavily damaged by The Flood.
You would never it know it today.
Even though the highway is right there most of the time, the noise is a lot less than when we had to ride on the shoulder.
We bet the highway maintenance crews just love these beaver dams. has been a great visit!
Maybe we really don't want to see any bears. The legs are a little too tired to outrun one.

Margaret and her friends welcomed us to Canmore.
She told us that we were #384 and #385.
There is even a tool station and air pump at the site.
Thank you, Joanne, for reattaching the nose piece to Donna's trifocals for free. Your kindness and best wishes for a safe journey are so appreciated. And Donna's eyes are a lot happier too after putting up with lopsidedness for a week!
Doug was talking to daughter Lori when Donna got done with the glasses so she had time to find and photograph these baby cones.
We are liking Canmore more all the time!

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