Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 11 - Up, Up and Away!

Day 11 - McArthur-Burney Falls State Park to Lassen National Park.
We had to take one last look at the falls on our way out. The sound of falling water is always a treasure.
We didn't realize that the trail was so close by.
We also discovered that it was a little foggy this morning. Maybe this is a good sign?
The fog didn't last long though and the early morning autumn light kept distracting us.
The retired silviculturist had to figure out what species of oaks he was seeing.
The Hat Creek valley.
Another fire area that went on for miles. This one burned around a lot of houses.
This is Big Roy, a cowboy version of the Muffler Man. They were a popular advertising symbol in the 60's and 70's according to the handy information sheet.

Things just want to be green.
They were piloting the cars through about a 4 mile section. It worked great for us because the vehicles came through in wads and then we would have the road to ourselves for 10-15 minutes at a time.
This place was not so lucky. There was not much left of anything.
And then you wonder how this one survived.
Honn Campground provided a little oasis in the midst of the fire. We stopped to eat and enjoy the shade and the creek.
We always have to get a picture of "Oreo" cows because they remind us of the first time we saw them on a bike trip in Washington.
Donna was taking off her bike tights and this cat crossed the street just to keep her company.
We had a real lunch at  the Rancheria RV Park. Their front flowerbed was a profusion of color. It was probably even more note worthy because it was such a contrast to all the blackness that we had just ridden through. 
A bike fatality memorial.
Our first glimpse of Mt. Lassen. It also has a fresh coat of snow on top.
Old Station - perfect timing for an ice cream break. It is noticeably warmer today!
It's getting closer and we are getting higher.
It is 4 pm and we have finally  made it to the top. The sign said it was a 6% grade down the other side. It was already cooling off a bit so we bundled up a little.....but not like eskimos.
Our legs are pretty tired about now so this was a really welcome sign. 
Reflection Lake
Site A10 is our new home. It cooled off fast as the sun went down so we were really happy that we had brought our Nano Puff jackets. A 7th grade school group from Walnut Creek had most of the cabins in loop adjacent to us. They were very quiet after about 8:30. What a day!

1 comment:

Bluekat said...

Been enjoying the lovely photos. Looks like a gorgeous area to ride through. I've never been to the Mt. Shasta / Mt. Lassen area.
Kari Kropf