Sunday, June 24, 2018

Europe 2018 - June 24 - Art Everywhere

Sunday - June 24
We went to mass at St. Antoine des Quinze-Vingts, a church that was within walking distance. 
It turned out to be all in Portuguese! The extra bonus was 2 baptisms and a cantor with a very beautiful voice.
Afterwards we did some laundry and then took the bus back to the Louvre to start our afternoon explorations.
There are so many public gardens in the area.

We spent some time in the Museum de l'Orangerie which is the home of Monet's Water Lily paintings.

We had thought we would do the Luxembourg Gardens after the museum but our feet said enough.
So we took a different route back to the bus stop that would get us headed home.

The feet say "Aaaaaah"
It was too early for dinner so Donna wandered the neighborhood looking for street art.

Dinner was Vietnamese tonight.
Afterwards, Doug took to the streets for some camera time.

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