August 22 - We had to wait out an morning thunderstorm. We managed to make it to breakfast and back in between showers. We finally got on the road at 9:00.

After so many days of rain there was standing water everywhere. This was in front of the high school.

Goodby Indiana, Hello Ohio.

We looked for a "Welcome to Indiana" sign at this side of the state too but didn't find one. We decided that Indiana didn't want you to know you were there!

An unofficial welcome to Ohio.

We had been tailing the thunder storm all morning but the sun finally came out and painted a pretty scene on this very full creek.

Stopped here for lunch as it seemed such an appropriate name. Turned out they had really good food too.

A little bit of history in Fayette.

Larry (Doug's brother) and Linda (Larry's wife) picked us up at the AAA office in western Toledo at the end of a 71 mile day. We now have 2,788 miles and its been 4 weeks since we've had a real rest day. Time for a break!

Linda, Adrian (Linda's daughter), and Larry at their house in Grosse Ile, Michigan.

Steve (Larry's son), Kelly, Tyler and Sydney (holding the grand puppy).

August 23 - Doug and Rich (Doug's childhood buddy) giving Larry support for making breakfast

Rich and Jane (his wife) with our gourmet breakfast.

They all have the same barber.

The family gathered for dinner that evening. This is Doug and his siblings: Denise and Jim (back), Paul, Doug, and Larry

Jim and wife Sandy. She is one of the people that we are riding for as she continues to survive her battle with breast cancer.

Jim and Sandy's daughter Laura and friend Chris.

This is Doug's nephew Josh who was born on Doug's birthday 3 years ago. He is a bundle of energy.

Joe, Josh, Denise and Robin

August 24 - Larry and Linda hosted us, Jim and Sandy, Rich and Jane to an afternoon on Lake Erie on their sailboat. Sandy was checking out the galley.

Doug's turn at the helm

Lovely ladies enjoying the gentle breeze and warm sun.

This is the Lake Erie lighthouse that was our turn around point.

One of the gigantic freighters that ply these waters.

Putting the boat to bed. We had a lovely dinner in the clubhouse and returned to the house in time to watch an intense thunder storm. The tornado sirens even went off before it was done.

August 25 - We had another wonderful Larry breakfast and now it is time to say goodby. It has been a great rest break but we are also eager to continue our adventure.

Rich very kindly gave us a ride back to the Toledo AAA. It rained a bit on our way there but had stopped by the time we reached our starting point.

And we are on the road again.

The Maumee River in Perrysburg. Highway 20 went around the outskirts of Toledo so seeing those buildings on the skyline are about as close as we came to the city.

Flat tire #8 - Doug's rear tire again.

Jim came outside to talk to us while we were parking the bikes and ended up sitting with us the whole time we were in the McDonald's - until his family came by as they were leaving. He is an avid cyclist and became one of our angels of the road when he directed us to the Fremont Cycle and Fitness Shop, which had the exact tire we had been looking for the last week. Doug had a frayed sidewall on the same tire that kept getting flats.

We didn't know we were so close to home!
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