Friday, August 3, 2018

Europe 2018 - August 3 - Leiden

Friday - August 3
At breakfast we decided that exploring Leiden some more was a better way to spend the day than riding to Den Hagg and back. We did not regret it.

Molen de Put, where Rembrandt's father worked as a miller.

We made it this far when Donna's camera battery died and she forgot to bring a backup. So we went back to the hotel then headed out again.

Donna can totally go along with that!

In an exhibit outside the National Museum of Ethnology.

Molen de Valk, a windmill museum, is our destination. Their introductory video gave a good history of the windmills in the Netherlands. The first ones were built in the 1100's. There were 10,000 at the end of the 18th century and only 950 are still in existence today.

Next, we climbed the stairs as far up as we could.


Since windmills had to be tall to catch the wind, it gave us a good view of the city.

Looks a little more modern than the part we are exploring.

We checked out the mechanical parts on the way back down.

This kitchen is a bit more modern than the Pilgrim house kitchen.

Leiden was a center of the textile trade for centuries. It was best known for laken, a fine woollen fabric. This trade house for laken was built around 1640. It is now the city art and history museum.

Looks like lunch!

After lunch, we toured the Hortus botanicus, a research garden established in 1590.

They had quite the tropical collection in a glasshouse.

This is the largest water lily in the world and has been blooming here since 1872.

We enjoyed the outside gardens too.

The last tour of the day was Sint Pieterskerk, built in 1121. It is no longer being used as a church but is used as a community gathering space. 

However, Rembrandt's parents are buried here as well as the Pilgrims that stayed in Leiden rather than sail for America.
There are also three beautiful pipe organs.

We are getting hungry!

Looks like Lori is going to have a hard time deciding on her beverage tonight!

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