Sunday, August 7, 2011


Macon to Dijon
Day 36 - Monday - July 18
Macon to Chalon sur Saone
The very first thing we found leaving town was a paved bike path along the Saone River. We were mostly the only ones on it.
An interpretive panel that shows the river at flood stage. The last major flood event covered was in 2001 with the record set in 1840.

Doug set the camera on a railing and used the timer and multiple shots per shutter release to get this picture of us. We are riding the wrong direction from our true heading but we couldn't be choosy.

The paved path ended where this lock connected a canal to the river at Pont du Vaux. Eventually, they plan to have the path extend all the way to Chalon sur Saone.

We reached Tournus about 11:00 and played tourist until lunch time.
This is the Abbey of St. Philibert.

The chapel

Postcards to mail to family.

One of the few World War II memorials that we've seen so far.
Couldn't miss this sign and decided it was worth finding the museum, especially since we are taking thousands of pictures on this trip.
We got our own personal guided tour of his home and workshop. His interests were quite varied. This is an internal combustion engine that he patented in 1807.
He also added a seat to this precursor to the bicycle. Ironically, we couldn't take pictures of the photographic part of the exhibit but it was very interesting. The construction techniques in the attic of the house also caught Doug's eye.
This caught Doug's eye too!
Chalon sur Saone
Wildlife in the hotel garden that kept Doug occupied while Donna checked in.
Day 37 - Tuesday - July 19
Yes, it's raining again.
The hotel's artistic version of the weather forecast...nice but still rainy.
The whole structure is made out of wood.....
.....even the saw blades.

Mailing the postcards we bought yesterday.

The size of the village can be estimated by the number of passages/crosswalks on this sign as you enter town.
Donna went in the Tabac/LaPoste office to find a restroom. When she came back out Doug was talking to Magnus, the college student that we met at the campground. It was nice to be able to talk to him some more. This is the last time our paths will cross as he is headed east and we are headed northwest to Paris.
Another arch, also in Beaune.

Grapevines everywhere.........and not just any grapes but the finest in France, we are told.
Lunch found us in Nuits St.Georges. It started pouring again while we were eating so we just ordered some more drinks and took our time, a luxurious hour and half lunch.

Those signs all point to different wineries.
Each vineyard had its own gate in varying grades of fancy.
We had rain all around us but were riding in our own bubble of sunshine along this farm road through the vineyards and tiny farm villages. It was delightful.

And then there was town! So much for our straight shot to the hotel close to the train station. We don't have enough days left to ride all the way to Paris in time for Doug's eye doctor appointment on Friday so we plan to take the train tomorrow morning. It took us an hour and half to wend our way through this mess to the station and motel. They are putting in a new tram system all over the city. It will be nice when it is finished but what a confusing headache until then. Donna was really thinking there would be a museum about mustard in Dijon but we passed it in Beaune without knowing it!

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