Sunday, August 18, 2013

Claresholm to Fort MacLeod

Sunday - July 21
Looks like another sunny day.....HURRAY!
Our bed was a lot more comfortable than this one.

All that hay has to go somewhere.
We never did figure out what the little shelters are for.
The Oldman River. The tubers said the water was as cold as it looked to us.
Our room wasn't ready when we arrived so we had plenty of time to visit the Fort MacLeod that the town is named for. The museum was dedicated to the beginnings of the Northwest Mounted Police which later became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This wooden wheel on a wooden axle operated without any grease. Bet all their wheels were squeaky!
A fencing mask....they just had to make do with the raw materials available on the prairie.
There was also a section on the First Nations people of the area.

Don't think the guys made this quilt but they did have a lot of time on their hands in the winter.
The view from inside the chapel.
The dentist office - or torture chair depending on which end of the dental tools you were on.
The inspection of the troops precedes their riding demonstration.

A young fellow from the audience was asked to assist in the inspection. He noticed that this young woman had one button undone for which she needed to do 15 push-ups.
Every horse had these maple leaves on both sides.

The performance drills were all done to music. We think the horses had the different tunes memorized. It was an impressive display of horsemanship and well-trained horses.
We found this large mural on the wall of the local curling rink during our after-dinner stroll.
The storekeeper was honest about his wares.

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